Golden Teachers Mushroom
Golden Teachers Mushroom are types of Psilocybe cubensis with psychedelic effects due to psilocybin.They can affect cell width, BNP levels, mitochondrial activity, TNFα and ROS levels in the body. Cultivating these mushrooms requires careful attention to sterility, temperature, humidity, and light conditions. Some have reported that Golden Teachers may help with mental health issues like depression and anxiety; however, they’re illegal without a prescription or license in places like Canada
golden teacher mushrooms usa -This strain produces an unusually large mushroom with a big, yellowish cap with pale spots. There are multiple stories about their origin, but they are generally thought to have been found in the wild about thirty or forty years ago. They are popular with beginner-growers, since they grow well on many different substrate types and can tolerate marginal conditions and still produce large crops. They do take a little longer to fruit than most varieties.
How to Dose Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms
The great thing about Golden Teacher cubensis is that they’re incredibly simple to dose. They have about average potency, so a P. cubensis or psilocybe cubensis dosing chart like this one will help guide you:
- .25 grams (g) for a threshold dose (should feel something)
- .25-1g for a light dose (recreational dose)
- 1-2.5g for a medium dose (recreational dose)
- 5-5g for a strong dose (recreational to spiritual dose)
- 5g+ for a heavy dose (spiritual classic dose)
You need to check the laws before buying Golden Teacher mushrooms. In Canada, psilocybin is a controlled substance under Schedule III of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. This makes it illegal to sell, buy, or possess without a prescription or license. In the U.S., “magic mushroom” spores are not federally prohibited outright, though there are some variations by state.
Laws are changing, though. More studies show that magic mushrooms could help with mental health issues. Some places are thinking about drug-law reform for substances like psilocybin mushrooms.
Still, be careful and always stay informed about current laws where you live.
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